On My Mind2020-05-02T11:50:52-04:00

On My Mind

Sterling Silver 5 of Diamonds Earrings

Happy Last Day of August 2020!

Aside from a great design or subject matter, or fab components, I find that when there is extra meaning in a piece of jewelry, its an extra perk of ownership and admiration.  These earrings with the 5 of diamonds peaked my researcher’s interest. I discovered on Mr. Google this,

Five of diamonds is a card of reconciliation. Couples pledge to be together for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. The Five of diamonds is a sign that your difficulties and misfortunes should not ruin your love. It means that your relationship is not beyond repair.

These earrings used to be cufflinks in their first life. They may have been custom made. Wonder why….

Wishbone and Fly Brooch

May 16, 2020

I posted a gold wishbone and fly brooch recently (#13499). Usually wishbones seen in jewelry pieces are the whole wishbone, indicating good luck. This one has gone through the tradition of two people breaking it. “Two people each grab a side and break the bone apart while making a wish” (Google says…) The one who comes away with the larger 1/2, will have their wish granted. So this brooch suggests that the owner had their wish granted.  “Flies were used to symbolize secrets or secret-keeping. Think of the fly on the wall which sees everything but tells no one,” according to Erica Weiner. What was the wish and what secret did the fly not share? Those are the mysteries of a custom made piece of Victorian jewelry! The new owner can make up their own answers!

Until I Write Again,

Hello All!

May 02, 2020

Welcome to my blog! I am reflecting on the pandemic events happening around me, and on my fast growing wild and wavy hair forming a bird’s nest. I avoid mirrors at all costs.

I am taking many photos of my inventory, choosing the best ones that are worth posting. Then the process is getting them posted to my website and onto Instagram and Facebook.

I still love the beauty of all the world. I still love the beauty of great design, of quality, and of course condition and disclosure!

Please feel that you can ask questions about any of my offerings anytime.

Until I Write Again,

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